“The election results are out of control. It’s like the whistle has blown, the game is over, and the players have gone home, but the referees are suddenly adding touchdowns to the other team’s side of the scoreboard.” – Tommy Tuberville, US Senator.

It’s not just you who felt that the 2020 election was stolen. In fact, there are sitting governors, members if congress, secretaries of state, and even attorneys general made their claims on their social media sites, had a statement, been into interviews and others in campaign ads took action such as supporting lawsuits that sought to overturn the election results and been attending “Stop the steal” rallies.

As of today, Trump is publicly continuing to insist that the election was stolen. Telling different groups, organizations, historians, that the election is believed “Lost and Rigged”. Trump has been announcing that he should be declared the president or have Biden be impeached or a new election should commence. Trump’s supporters on the other hand, continue to attempt to really overturn the election results, pushing for new lawsuit and state legislature resolutions to raise concerns among all legal experts that public confidence in democracy is being undermined to lay the groundwork for baselessly challenging future elections.

Based on the latest poll, 52 percent of likely U.S. voters say they would support the impeachment of Biden, with 38 percent saying they would strongly support it. The poll has been participated by 50 percent of independents, 77 percent of the republicans and of course, 32 percent of the democrats who would love to see Biden being kicked out the White House and get booted from his position.

“Support for impeaching Biden is highest among voters 40-64, who are also most likely to think that if Republicans win in the midterms, they actually will impeach the president. Retirees are least supportive of impeaching Biden,” the poll concluded.

On the other hand, just recently, Biden shuts down heckler which he claims 2020 was stolen. Biden released sharp words for a heckler who, randomly interrupted a midterm fundraiser and also a rally in Maryland on Thursday night of September 8, 2022. As per the witnesses, a man interrupted Biden’s speech yelling, “You Stole the Election!”. But the President said to applause, “Folks, ignorance knows no boundaries, but we never gave up.” Adding “We never gave in and we’re delivering for the American people”, ending his remarks addressing his views of the politics of the current Republican party, which often will sound similar to the claims of the stolen election from the heckler who interrupted his speech.

There are loads of issues concerning the 2020 election.

Postal delays, long lines, suppression, and the concerns about voter intimidation, and also the possibility of contested elections have raised concerns about the integrity of the U.S election process. Question is, how will political leaders and courts respond when the influx of mail-in ballots might extend election day to several weeks in the future? And will efforts to disrupt voting strike a chord with voters in affecting their drive to vote and their vote choice?

As Midterm elections in the United States is fast approaching, many are hoping that it won’t be stolen AGAIN.



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